Get proactive, interdisciplinary care from your first through fourth trimester — all in one place. Now serving patients in Chicago and Houston.
No membership fees. Clinical services are in-network with most major insurance providers.
In-person and virtual appointments
Concierge-style care without membership fees
Credentialed and vetted perinatal specialists
Always-on access to your providers through the Partum app
We work around your needs. Whether you need a service immediately or are planning for further out, we do our best to find a care expert to help. Either way, we’ll get back to you within 24-48 hours.
Many of our services are covered because insurance companies recognize how important whole-person care is for better health outcomes. Oftentimes lactation consulting, mental health, physical therapy, and nutrition counseling are covered by insurance, while birth doula care can be covered by an HSA. We’ll work with you to make sure you understand your options and help make it easier any way we can.
Once we get to know you, your family, and the services you are interested in, we'll match you with a care expert we recommend. Or if you want, we’re happy to schedule informational interviews with a few of our experts, so you can find the person you connect with best.
Yes. Just like in parenthood, it’s good to be flexible. We want you and your family to get everything you need, so if you realize you want to add or cancel something along the way, just let us know. We’re happy to help.
It’s a good idea to start planning for most of the services by your second trimester. But if you’re running a little ahead or a little behind that timeframe, don’t sweat it. We’ve got you.